Xerte – Open Source eLearning tool from the University of Nottingham

See on Scoop.itMoodle and Mahara

Updated version of the award winning open source tool for creating elearning content and interactive learning materials.

Recommended to me from WebAnywhere at Bett2014 – now mobile friendly. Videos below explain how they link to Moodle (although from 2010). Replacement/alternative to Moodle lessons.

Link to main page: www.nottingham.ac.uk

Link to wiki: wiki

Video that explains Xerte – from YouTube (2010!)

Some great instructional videos from MitchellMedia1 including many featuring Xerte


Blooms Icons – Evidencing Mahara work

See on Scoop.itMoodle and Mahara

A list of Blooms icons in tag format (150 x 80).

When students upload work to Mahara they have to provide a text box explaining the task. Students can attach the tags to show what Higher Order skill they think the task was completed to.

Will link in to our work on PuML Moodle course. Icons will sit in Moodle as we have single sign on so makes it easy to link to.

Icons now been updated to have a colour scheme ROYGBV to make it easier to understand the order

Download via dl.dropbox.com

Hey you get onto my Cloud!

I first heard about the Live@Edu Hampshire Cloud project early this year. I was fortunate enough to be put into contact with Richard Barham the Project Manager at the stage when Hampshire were preparing a tender document for this process. Richard was kind enough to send me a copy for comment and we subsequently used the format of the tender process for our own bidding process for the next generation of notebooks and VLE support for Perins.

I did not hear anything much more until the summer when it was announced that Microsoft had won the contract and Live@Edu would become the basis of the solution. I remember feeling very disappointed because as a fairly regular GoogleApps user (it is embedded on our Moodle) I had hoped for a step away from software which continues to dominate school IT and too often can limit ambitions and creativity of students (there I’ve said it).

Prejudices aside I contacted Richard and asked if we could become one of the pilot schools for November 2010 start. This gave me time to look a bit more at Live@Edu and the more I use it, the more I am beginning to warm to its charms.

My first experiences of it came almst by accident at a TeachMeet Moodle organised by Dan Humpherson @MoodleDan in Heythorpe College in London (http://opensourceschools.org.uk/teachmeet-moodle.html-0, http://teachmeetmoodle.pbworks.com/TeachMeetMoodle and http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tmmoodle for presentations). I met Gerrard Shaw (gerrard.shaw@redbridge-iae.ac.uk) during the Speed dating task and he showed me how Redbridge Institute for Adult Education had managed to integrate Live@Edu into their Moodle.

Gerrard has already presented his college’s vision at another MoodleMeet and you can watch his presentation here – http://cid-7ff325b3349d757e.office.live.com/view.aspx/.Public/MoodleMoot.pptx

First impressions of his Moodle site are very favourable indeed and what’s more there is also a page he has made where he shares many of the features and tips for effective Moodle design- http://www.redbridge-iae.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=141

But what of course is most impressive is how easily it appears that Live@Edu integrated with Moodle. Enrollment to their Moodle courses is done through a Windows Live account (presumably not from AD – could it be from their MIS?)

Once enrolled you then have access to the Web Apps, your online Sky Drive and email.

It is claimed that the Web Apps for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote have about 80% functionality of those you find on Office 2010. I’m not sure that is quite accurate but they do a more than effective job for KS3 and general use at KS4 and they look just like the real thing:

This is the Word setup

This is Excel

This is PowerPoint

This is E-Mail

What really impressed me was the Sky Drive online storage. If you install SilverLight you can then enable drag and drop features to upload files to the storage area:

Although I have not explored them further I hear good things about the collaborative opportunities within Live@Edu with the options of sharing resources at file and folder level via your Contacts list in your e-mail.

It would be interesting to see what Microsoft’s road map is for the development of these web apps? As a pilot school we will have the additional functionality of Sharepoint web parts and I’m told that Microsoft have been doing some interesting work with Moodle.

Best leaving the last words to the late great Alexis Korner – who certainly was not a keen fan!